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Ricotta Pancakes

Picture of Orla Walsh, RD
Orla Walsh, RD
Orla Walsh is a Registered Dietitian and Physiologist. Orla is the founder of Orla Walsh Nutrition, she is the former performance nutritionist to the Irish Olympic team and is regular contributor for the Irish Independent newspaper, RTE and Newstalk FM.

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ricotta pancakes

I love these pancakes. Super fluffy and a great source of calcium + protein. A lovely weekend brunch option.


  • 250 g ricotta ‪‎cheese (1 tub)
  • 125 ml ‪milk
  • 2 large free-range ‪eggs (separated)
  • 100 grams wholemeal ‪‎flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • pinch salt
  • vanilla extract

How to make them


  • Put the ricotta, milk, vanilla extract and egg yolks into a bowl and mix together.
  • Stir in the flour, ‪baking powder and pinch salt and whisk until smooth.
  • For speed, use a hand held blender to whizz up the the egg whites until they’re foamy.
  • Then fold this foamy mixture into the ricotta mixture.
  • Heat the frying pan and spray with oil. When hot, spoon some batter into the pan. Cook for ~1 min on each side (you’ll see them dry up which indicates when is a good time to turn them).
  • You can serve with lots of toppings e.g. ‪‎berry compote, ‪‎berries. ‪‎fruit,‪ granola, ‪‎yoghurt, ‎nut butters, ‪‎nuts, ‪‎seeds, stewed rhubarb. Or perhaps make savoury pancakes with cheese, spinach, sun-dried tomatoes, etc… etc…

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