OWN Health Ltd., trading as Orla Walsh Nutrition (“OWN Health Ltd.”), maintains this website, any courses, videos or written materials offered and other linked and related sites (the “Site”) for the use of its customers, vendors, students, and other Site users (“Users”) upon agreement to the following terms. Please read the terms carefully before using the Site. Use of this website indicates acceptance of these “Terms of Use” and forms a binding agreement between you and OWN Health Ltd. If you do not agree to these terms, do not use this Site.
OWN Health Ltd. provides various materials, information, articles, news and other information on this and related sites and in courses offered through this site (the “Materials”). OWN Health Ltd. authorizes each User to view and download one copy of the Materials. Materials may be downloaded and a maximum of one copy of the Materials may be printed provided that Users make no modifications to the Materials and you retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the original Materials on any copies of the Materials. Users may not modify the Materials at this Site in any way or reproduce, share or distribute them. Users will keep all Materials confidential, and will not sell, auction, loan, rent, give away, describe, summarise, or otherwise reveal the Materials or their contents, to any other person or entity. Any breach of these Terms of Use automatically terminates your authorised use of the Site.
OWN Health Ltd. does not provide medical advice, treatment or diagnosis through this website. However, please do attend your dietitian for any dietetic advice, or doctor for any medical advice, medical treatment or diagnosis. The content provided on the website or during courses is for educational purposes only. Always seek advice from a healthcare professional for a thorough assessment before making changes to your lifestyle.
OWN Health Ltd., Orla Walsh Nutrition and certain other brands, trademarks, and service marks are marks of OWN Health Ltd.. The Materials on this Site are copyrighted, and any unauthorised use of any Materials on this Site may violate copyright, trademark, and other laws.
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The Materials provided at this site are provided “as is” without any warranties of any kind including warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property. OWN Health Ltd. further does not warrant the accuracy and completeness of the Materials at this Site. OWN Health Ltd. may make changes to the Materials at this Site, or to the services and prices described in them, at any time without notice. The Materials at this Site may be out of date, and OWN Health Ltd. makes no commitment to update the Materials at this Site.
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If you have any questions or concerns, then please contact the site admin via the contact form
Last updated on 4th August 2023.
© 2024 OWN Health Ltd || OWN Your Health ♥︎