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Picture of Orla Walsh, RD
Orla Walsh, RD
Orla Walsh is a Registered Dietitian and Physiologist. Orla is the founder of Orla Walsh Nutrition, she is the former performance nutritionist to the Irish Olympic team and is regular contributor for the Irish Independent newspaper, RTE and Newstalk FM.

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If you’re wondering about the name, my kids asked what the breakfast I prepared was called and I answered “weeta-pudding”. I didn’t put much thought into it and the name stuck! This is a handy option as you could make it at night time, like overnight oats, and eat it the next day. It’s also perfect if you like to batch cook as you could make enough for a couple of days. Whether you eat it at home or when you arrive at work, it’s perfect for busy lives and rushed mornings.

If you’re not a fan of weetabix normally due to the texture, don’t worry, the texture is very different with this recipe.

As it’s high in protein and fibre, it’s lovely and filling. Please see below for the nutritional information, and below that, the nutritional information for all the ways you can make this breakfast different!


  • 2 weetabix (wheat biscuits – lots of brands out there now)
  • Optional: 1/2 scoop of chocolate casein powder
  • 120ml milk
  • 1 banana – sliced
  • 150g 5% Greek yoghurt (I don’t use low fat anything)
  • 1/2 tsp chocolate powder

How to make it

  1. Break up the wheat biscuits and place in the bottom of your bowl or dish
  2. Add the protein powder (optional) and then pour over the milk. Mix together.
  3. Layer in the banana and smear the yoghurt on top.
  4. Finish with the dusting of chocolate powder.
  5. Leave in the fridge overnight and eat the next morning.

Why I use casein protein powder

Whey protein is quick to digest and is ideal post exercise. However, the rest of the time you want to make sure your food fills you up and keeps you full. Casein is slower to digest and a great choice in meals. If you only have whey, don’t worry! You can use that too.

Plant based (vegan friendly) alternative

Soya or soy protein is a complete protein which means that it contains all the essential amino acids in decent amounts. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Soy or soya protein powder is a great choice if following an exclusively plant based diet.

Nutritional Information

  • 490 calories, 35g protein, 7g fibre
  • Original recipe but with no protein powder added: 430 calories, 23g protein, 7g fibre
  • Original recipe but use skimmed milk and 0% greek yoghurt: 424 calories, 37g protein, 7g fibre


For my 3 year old and 5 year old I left out the protein powder and used 1 wheat biscuit instead of 2.

For my baby (currently 6 months) I used 1/2 a wheat biscuit and didn’t use the protein powder or chocolate powder. I also mashed the banana.

If you were trying to lower your cholesterol you might choose oat biscuits instead of wheat biscuits.

For a low FODMAP version, swap the wheat biscuits for oat biscuits and use a lactose free yoghurt or 100g plain soya/ soy yoghurt. Be careful with the protein powder too!

For a gluten free option, choose gluten free ‘weetabix’ (they’re not called weetabix but they look like them!) .

Different flavours and ideas

You can have a lot of fun with this! Be sure to let me know if you try something and it works out great. As you can see, I’ve taken my ideas from my favourite desserts.

Carrot Cake – grated carrot (1 medium), raisins (1 box), toasted walnuts (15g) cinnamon

554 calories, 37g protein, 8g fibre

Apple strudel – grated apple (1 small), mixed spice, raisins (1 box), walnuts (15g)

580 calories, 37g portein, 6g fibre

Strawberries and cream – vanilla protein, strawberries

412 calories, 34 g protein, 6g fibre

Blackforest gateaux – chocolate whey, stewed cherries (frozen cherries heated!)

436kcal, 35g protein, 6g fibre

Tiramisu: 120ml of espresso mixed with milk instead of plain milk, chocolate whey

386 calories, 34g protein, 4g fibre

Snickers: similar to above but add peanut powder to the yoghurt and some peanuts on top!

430 calories, 23g protein, 7g fibre

Lower calorie option: original recipe but use skimmed milk and 0% greek yoghurt and change the banana for 100g mixed berries

357 calories, 37g protein ad 9g fibre

Coffee cake: 120ml of espresso mixed with milk, vanilla whey, 1 banana

490 calories, 35g protein, 7g fibre

Peanut butter & jam: Use 1 tbsp peanut powder mixed in with the yoghurt, use vanilla protein powder instead of chocolate, and strawberries mashed up instead of banana

462 calories, 40g protein, 7g fibre

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