Cholesterol Lowering Flapjacks

Picture of Orla Walsh, RD
Orla Walsh, RD
Orla Walsh is a Registered Dietitian and Physiologist. Orla is the founder of Orla Walsh Nutrition, she is the former performance nutritionist to the Irish Olympic team and is regular contributor for the Irish Independent newspaper, RTE and Newstalk FM.

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I love flapjacks. But, with a family history of heart disease, I need to be super careful with my cholesterol levels. Although oats are known for their cholesterol lowering properties, the butter and sugar that goes in traditional flapjacks are not. In fact, diets high in sugar make you more likely to die from heart disease. Research which looked at more than 100,000 peoples diets in the UK for over 9 years found that every 5% increase in a person’s calorie intake from sugar there was a 6% increased risk of heart disease and a 10% increased risk of stroke. As for butter, well we know that even a moderate intake will increase our cholesterol levels. If you like butter, or eat traditional flapjacks regularly, then chances are that you’re eating more than a moderate intake of butter.

Never fear, my heart healthy flapjacks are here. All bar the honey and vanilla extract have been shown to lower cholesterol levels. Impressive, no? Wait till you taste them!

What you will need

  • 100ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 100g peanut or almond butter
  • 100g honey
  • 200g oats
  • 100g pecans
  • 70g ground almonds
  • 30g flaxaeed
  • vanilla extra
  • +/- cinnamon

How do you make them?

  • Preheat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
  • Place your saucepan on a flat weighing scales (or use a microwavable bowl to melt in the microwave) and weigh out 100g peanut butter and 100g honey. I used cups to measure out the oil and added a drop of vanilla. Melt on a low heat.
  • Then put the pot back on the scales and in the ground almonds, flaxseed, pecans and oats. Mix the dry with the wet.
  • Layer a small baking tray with parchment.
  • Bake for about 17 minutes or until golden brown. 
  • After 5 min use a sharp knife to cut them but allow to cool fully in the tray. 

Makes 20

Nutritional Information

188 cals each with 66% of calories coming from healthy fats. So, a healthy snack if you’ve insulin resistance, PCOS, high cholesterol or diabetes.

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