For a meal to be balanced it needs to contain carbohydrate, fat, protein and colour.
If you were to come to my house for dinner and I only put a potato on your dinner plate you would be wondering why I was providing you with such an unbalanced meal. If I was to put a potato and vegetables on your plate, you would be waiting for me to serve up the meat, poultry or fish. This is because at dinner time we expect a balanced meal. The potato is the carbohydrate, the butter is the fat, the meat is your protein while the vegetables are your colour.
We need to expect a balanced meal at all mealtimes. This is 101 of healthy eating.
When it comes to a bowl of porridge, the oats are the carbohydrate and you need to add protein, fat and colour. Otherwise, it’s just like eating a potato with nothing on it or with it at dinner time. Milk provides the protein as long as it’s from an animal or else made from soya or pea (other milk options do not e.g. oats, almond, coconut). Then add some nuts or seeds for some fat as well as some fruit for colour, Now your meal is now balanced!